
So here’s the part I dread the most…About Me. From what I gather most people feel the same way I do. Here goes nothin’….

My name is Elizabeth (Liz, Lisa, or Sasquatch depending on who I am talking to). I am 41 years old and not afraid to say it or talk about it, although sometimes I do cringe. I am older AND taller than my husband and not afraid to talk about it. I have gray hair. Still okay with it. I have three kids…a senior in high school, a freshman in high school and a 2.5 yr old toddler. I have grown up with my kids and honestly they have taught me things I never knew I needed to know. I have so much to say about all three of my kids that they will require their own post 🙂

Currently I work a daycare from my home, I am a Young Living Distributor, and a jack of all trades crafter. It took me a long time to realize it but I am an entrepreneur at heart! I love working with my hands and creating things, educating, and helping people improve their lives. With this blog I hope to create interesting reads for everyone whether it be about my home and personal life, by providing educational information on health and essential oils, or sharing fun DIY tips, hacks and projects!

Before I go, meet my family!

My handsome husband Luke and I.


My super cute 17 yr old Aidan!


My gorgeous daughter Lauren.


Last but definitely not least, my ADORABLE boss man Gavin!


Until next time, find the beauty!


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